Setup Development Environment

Welcome to the Sui Move introduction course. In this first unit, we will walk you through the process of setting up the development environment for working with Sui Move, and create a basic Hello World project as a gentle introduction into the world of Sui.

Install Sui Binaries Locally

  1. Install prerequisites depending on your operating system

  2. Install Sui binaries

    cargo install --locked --git --branch devnet sui

    Change the branch target here to testnet or mainnet if you are targeting one of those.

    Linux Users: The installation process will create build artifacts in /tmp directory. If you encountered disk out of space related issues during installation. Make sure to expand your tmpfs to at least 11GB.

    To check your tmpfs usage on Linux systems:
    df /tmp
    You can expand the tmpfs by editing the `/etc/fstab` file and setting the size of tmpfs to 20G:
    tmpfs          /tmp        tmpfs   noatime,size=20G,mode=1777   0 0
  3. Check binaries are installed successfully:

    sui --version

    You should see the version number in the terminal if sui binaries were installed successfully.

Using a Docker Image with Pre-installed Sui Binaries

  1. Install Docker

  2. Pull Sui official docker image

    docker pull mysten/sui-tools:devnet

  3. Start and shell into the Docker container:

    docker run --name suidevcontainer -itd mysten/sui-tools:devnet

    docker exec -it suidevcontainer bash

💡Note: If the above Docker image is not compatible with your CPU architecture, you can start with a base Rust Docker image appropriate for your CPU architecture, and install the Sui binaries and prerequisites as described above.

(Optional) Configure VS Code with Move Analyzer Plug-in

  1. Install Move Analyzer plugin from VS Marketplace

  2. Add compatibility for Sui style wallet addresses:

    cargo install --git move-analyzer --features "address20"

Sui CLI Basic Usage

Reference Page


  • Enter Y for do you want to connect to a Sui Full node server? and press Enter to default to Sui Devnet full node
  • Enter 0 for key scheme selection to choose ed25519

Managing Networks

  • Switching network: sui client switch --env [network alias]
  • Default network aliases:
    • localnet:
    • devnet:
  • List all current network aliases: sui client envs
  • Add new network alias: sui client new-env --alias <ALIAS> --rpc <RPC>
    • Try adding a testnet alias with: sui client new-env --alias testnet --rpc

Check Active Address and Gas Objects

  • Check current addresses in key store: sui client addresses
  • Check active-address: sui client active-address
  • List all controlled gas objects: sui client gas

Get Devnet or Testnet Sui Tokens

  1. Join Sui Discord
  2. Complete verification steps
  3. Enter #devnet-faucet channel for devnet tokens, or #testnet-faucet channel for testnet tokens
  4. Type !faucet <WALLET ADDRESS>